"The mind is like a parachute; it only functions when open." -Thomas Dewar

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Portfolio: Part 2

Well, here is the last set of images I am considering submitting in my portfolio.  I'll keep working to create new images and replace if I feel it necessary.  I hope you like it so far.

 Girl's Best Friend

 (a variation)

 One Of a Kind

When Night Falls

Two World Collision

1 comment:

  1. I think the eye/diamond concept (just show one, not two) and the fingerprint concept are the strongest here. Now, I do not know the specifications that they have given you for the portfolio, so I am not sure what to recommend that you show. However, for a graphic design program, I’m not sure if the heavy collages are the best (like the owl one). Just my two cents though, because I am not familiar with what they are looking for.
